The last time the inauguration of an American president meant so much for me was when Barack Obama became President for the first time back in 2009. That seemed truly seismic and historic, and it was. A black president in a country with such a recent history of slavery, racial division, prejudice and ongoing institutionalised racism appeared to signal a positive change that could resonate world wide. If an unimaginable change could happen there then why not elsewhere. It felt incredibly important, signalling something positive after that first, awful decade of the new millennium.
Whilst I cannot speak about the impact Obama has had as a president what I can say is that he and his family have been a shining example of what we all would want to see in our political leaders. A man of compassion, willing to tackle injustice and inequality, no hint of a personal scandal and someone who knows how to reach out to all people.
Contrast that to today. We are hours away from the inauguration of man who admits to groping women just because he can, who will pander to base instincts just to get elected, who becomes aggressive and defensive if anyone dares to disagree with him. In short a man who lacks any of the qualities you want to see in a political leader. It's clear he is a leader in business where being cut throat and pursuing profit are advantages but let loose on the world stage I feel a sense of foreboding as to what havoc he may wreak.
So, for me, it feels a depressing day. A day when populism and manipulation of people's fears have given us a man clearly not equipped to lead one of the world's most powerful nations. Yet it does not stop with the U.S. Here in the UK we are also going down a path made ready for us by mainly men who manipulated the fears of people to lay the ground for a change so monumental that it will impact this country for decades to come. As in The U.S. we made a decision based on lies, prejudice and racism and those who disagreed are left as powerless onlookers.
It is probably the first time in my life that I feel that I do not have a political home and that is what makes the situation so depressing. The conservatives set up the referendum unnecessarily. We are now in the midst of years of economic and political uncertainty, the pound is plummeting (which is the only reason we are enjoying a short lived rise in the stock market), big banks are talking about leaving the UK, inflation is rising and on top of that the NHS is collapsing, social care is at breaking point and the future of the UK as an entity is in doubt. Despite all this, if an election were held tomorrow, the conservatives would win. The labour party under Corbyn looks increasingly unelectable and the liberals appear permanently and probably unfairly tarnished by their association with the conservatives from their time in coalition. Then there's our own version of Trump politics, UKIP. No wonder it feels a depressing period for so many of us.
Some times you need to get to the low points before things can get better. In the U.S. you feel that what may well happen is that some revelation about Trump emerges that is so damaging that he has to go or he is impeached for doing something so at odds with their own laws and constitution. Here my hope is that someone will emerge who can challenge effectively the course we are being taken on and galvanise the many voices that are currently quiet and accepting of our fate. We could really could do with someone like Barack Obama over here (and I hear he's currently unemployed!). There are politicians here who could challenge and lead but they need to be bold and reach out. They might be surprised at how many people are out there ready to get behind the right person. There is always hope,but at this point in time it feels that it is in short supply.
So good luck to the USA and the UK. A very uncertain future awaits both countries. It's a time, more than ever, for concerned citizens to be vigilant and to hold our politicians to account.
One man's search for meaning in an increasingly chaotic world whilst living on a meagre pension.
Friday, 20 January 2017
A dark day for democracy, let's hope not for the world

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You hit nails on heads! I am thankful that I probably won't be around to witness the chaos and confusion that is bound to occur in both countries.
ReplyDeleteAlthough we don't have the extreme situation of a Trump at the helm in the U.K. I actually think that we are worse off than the USA as I really can't see Trump surviving more than a year whereas I think the U.K. Is heading for a long, slow decline. I hope I'm wrong.
DeleteI feel the same. We live in an uncertain world. With Trump at the helm, not only in America but also as the main player worldwide, God only knows what lies in store for us all. Like you, eight years ago, I watched the Obama inauguration with hope that the world would be a better place. Whilst Obama may not have done much in political terms, he and his wife seemed genuinely nice people and there was no hint of scandal during his entire office. Yesterday's ceremony was altogether different. Trump came out glowering and ready for a dirty fight. Judging by the comparatively lower turn-out at yesterday's inauguration for him, many people must share our view. God bless America and God help us all.
ReplyDeleteSuccinctly put. I also think we all have to now be vigilant in ensuring fundamental human rights are not eroded.
DeleteSpeaking as an American, I can say this: Yesterday I was in despair. Today, after seeing all the international protests and marches, it makes me realize that it is us plain old ordinary folks ("We, the People") who have a voice, and that voice was clearly heard today (Sat. 1/21/17) and it will have an effect. It is called Democracy. I am not afraid, I have faith, and I sincerely believe that the will of the people will eventually prevail. How long that takes is the question, whether in the UK or here, and the taking of that time might be difficult. But we WILL prevail. As "Addy" said "God help us all".
ReplyDeleteI completely agree and in a strange twist, these recent events may just make us all up and realize that democracy is not about voting once every 4/5 years, it's about ongoing participation and holding representatives to account day to day.
DeleteI share your concern, but after marching yesterday in my city and watching the media reports of the marches around the world, I feel more hopeful. We just need to remain vocal and involved.
ReplyDeleteWell said and it really has stirred people into vocalizing their opposition to a hijacker of democracy.
ReplyDeleteI have been in a black fog about Trump ever since November. I have tried to write a couple of posts about it that remain in my drafts folder, but others have already said what I have tried to write, and more eloquently too. The potential global consequences are what most worry me. Trump's election signals a movement toward racism, intolerance, anti-intellectualism, sexism, anti-environmentalism, protectionism, and several other isms that destabilize our political, social, and environmental future. Put this together with Brexit, ISIS, Putin, global warming, and so on, and I fear for our future. Strangely, in Canada, our recent election of Trudeau and thereby ousting Harper reaffirmed liberal democracy over mean-spirited divisive policies -- a rare exception to what has been happening in so many other parts of the world.
Jude- it can feel very dark and troubled right now and I'm amazed that the American political system allows one person so much power. I'm sure he won't last and a positive that's emerging, certainly in the U.K., Is the number of mainly women who are actively expressing their opposition to Trump. Recent events seem to be galvanising and politicising a whole new group of people. That's where I pin my hopes.